2021 Festival Programme
31 March – 3 April

Wednesday, 31 March

02.00 PM
- Animation with Serge Dimitri Pitroipa and André Daniel Tapsoba of the ABCA (Association Burkinabé Cinéma d’Animation)
- Screenplay with Poupoune Sesonga
02.00 PM
Short films from Burkina Faso (in collaboration with the Association Burkinabè de Cinéma Animation)
Afrogames by Serge Dimitri Pitroipa
Le Crayon by Adjaratou Ouédraogo
Le Parrain by Sié Lazare Palé
J’ai six ans, je suis handicapé(e), je vais à l’école. Ça vous étonne ? by Angélina N. Gbandjui
06.30 PM
Aya de Yopougon de Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie
Ivory Coast, France I Animation I 84 min
Thursday, 1 April

01.00 PM
- Animation with Serge Dimitri Pitroipa and André Daniel Tapsoba of the ABCA (Association Burkinabé Cinéma d’Animation)
- Screenplay with Poupoune Sesonga
02.00 PM
TWAAGA by Cédric Ido
Burkina Faso | 2013 | Animation | 30 min.
TIKITAT-A-SOULIMA by Ayoub Layoussifi
Marocco I 2016 I Animation I 28 min
Friday, 2 April

01.00 PM
- Animation with Serge Dimitri Pitroipa and André Daniel Tapsoba of the ABCA (Association Burkinabé Cinéma d’Animation)
- Screenplay with Poupoune Sesonga
02.00 PM
Saturday, 3 April

09.00 AM
- Animation with Serge Dimitri Pitroipa and André Daniel Tapsoba of the ABCA (Association Burkinabé Cinéma d’Animation)
- Screenplay with Poupoune Sesonga
10.00 AM
Closing speeches – workshop presentations – cocktail and afterwards joint breakfast